Solid & Soft Co., Ltd.

Upgrade to new SOLIDWORKS version with special offer*

Upgrade to new SOLIDWORKS version with special offer*
*Program for Customers whose Maintenance has expired

Solid & Soft sends information to customers about a special offer for long-time customers who do not renew their maintenance packages.

Now, if the previous Customer has expired, you can completely pay maintenance fees for the following years without having to pay backdating fees from the time you expire until the time you need to upgrade the software.

Follow the options below:

With Option 1: When you are in this situation (maintenance expires from 30 days to less than 1 year), you only need to buy the next 2 years of maintenance to fully use the values ​​of the maintenance package included. Cloud service.

With Option 2: It will be very suitable for customers who have expired for more than 1 year (including customers who have expired for more than 3 years) and can completely upgrade the software within the next 3 years without paying any costs. Fees for previous years without purchasing a maintenance package.

Regarding the benefits of the SOLIDWORKS Subscription Services (with Cloud Services) maintenance package, you can refer to the information below:

-Update to the latest version to the latest SOLIDWORKS
-Introducing what’s new in the latest version of SOLIDWORKS (and what you missed)
-24/7 technical support: installation, patch updates, error correction, on-site support for errors that cannot be fixed online
-Supports converting licenses from one computer to another with correct license operations, supports retrieving licenses when the computer’s hard drive dies or the computer is lost to avoid incorrect operations that violate copyright.
-Free MySOLIDWORKS with more than 600 video lectures on SOLIDWORKS modules, learn in-depth research about the software, engineer community forum, 3D CAD library…
-Get 6 certification exam codes from the company for free many times a year for many different types of modules (CSWA, CSWP, CSWPA…)
-Free 2-2.5 axis SOLIDWORKS CAM Standard Milling programming software (during the maintenance service package period)
-Free software to render your 3D model via SOLIDWORKS Visualize Standard (during maintenance service package period) **For customers using 3D CAD license (Professional, Premium)
-Take advantage of the value of Cloud Services with 3 highlights:  Share & Markup -Store & Revise – Manage & Control



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